Sunday, September 19, 2010

Website of the week- /

If you are like me and increasingly use the internet for watching television, movies, clips and any other form of visual entertainment, you probably find yourself trying to keep up with the latest website that streams. Streaming sites seem to always get shut down. I suppose it might be illegal in some way...  In any case you don't want to fill your precious hard drive space with that stuff do you? is just the ticket. It links to streaming content seamlessly (usually) and has a sleek look to it. Websites like rea1ese are often riddled with broken links, pop-ups and links to pay sights; on re1ease nuisances like those are fewer and further between than almost ever before.

A sight to help you keep track of the latest streaming sites is called It is absolutely essential for watching any media online. Usually links you to all you need. But so far, it has missed and for that reason it must share the title of website of the week.